Sunday, January 18, 2009

Objective-C versus C#, part 1: Searching for a substring within a string


I’ve been wanting to create a series of comparisons between the syntax of Objective-C and C#.  I’ve been writing a lot of both these days, so I have a lot of experience with each.  For our first example, let’s say we wanted to check for a substring within a string:


if ([myString rangeOfString:@"mySubstring"].location == NSNotFound)) {
   NSLog(@"mySubstring not found in myString: %@", myString);

I don’t know how you could get any more intuitive than that, but just for kicks let’s look at the C# equivalent:


if (!myString.Contains(“mySubstring”))
    Console.WriteLine(“mySubstring not found in myString: “ + myString);

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